Outdoor learning and Lighthouses.
Our Lighthouse
Last week, we waved goodbye to our 'Little Lights' lighthouse. We will next see it somewhere in Southampton on the 'Light the South' trail! Congratulations to the children whose amazing sea birds were featured at the top of the lighthouse, and huge thanks to Mrs Pain for her incredible work in bringing all of your artwork together.
Be sure to follow the trail and see all the children’s hard work on display. Also keep a look out for some fun fundraising activities coming up soon.

In R2L the children learn about resilience by building Lego creations using only one colour! Not an easy task.

It has been a beautiful week of sunshine so we have taken full advantage of the outdoors to support us in our learning. We have explored the school grounds and worked as a team to create messy maps of our environment. Maple Class have also explored capacity through water play and have used the language of taller/shorter/longer than when comparing objects found in nature. We have continued to plant flowers to decorate our developing outdoor space, as well as examining plants closely when creating impressive observational drawings and leaf rubbings.

Mysterious Microhabitats
This week in science the children have been learning about invertebrates and the microhabitats that they live in. They explored the school and discovered several microhabitats including under rocks, logs and pots and even in the cracks in tree trunks. They even tallied all the invertebrates they found. We found woodlice, worms, spiders, ants and even centipedes!

Birch Class have started a new unit of work in English, based on the book, 'Botanicum'. Today, they have been learning to use dictionaries to find the definitions of specific topic words that they will be able to use in their writing. Children in Birch Class are also delighted to have finished constructing their greenhouses as part of their DT project. They are proud to announce that they are being used and are currently housing an array of seeds including sunflowers and cucumbers.
In Aspen we have been exploring the use of tempo in music and looking at how to create sounds in different ways. We have also been continuing our French lessons and explaining where we live.

Year 6
In PSHE the children have been exploring friendships in preparation for secondary school - well done Sam, Molly and Victoriia. Year 6 have also been working incredibly hard in their Maths and they have been using different partners to encourage the use of mathematical language.