A farewell week for chicks and lighthouses
Maple class
Maple class have been observing their chicks rapid growth and have adored being able to hold them! We have also been engaging hands-on with our Plant Parts project by enhancing our outdoor areas with the planting of seeds and the addition of flowers. Year R have certainly been entertained by becoming their teachers - the glasses seem somewhat familiar!

The children in Rowan class have been working hard on their fractions this week, using a range of concrete resources and visual representations to support hem with their learning. They have also been germinating plants - we can’t wait to see what they manage to grow.

We are learning to play rounders in PE this half term in Birch Class. I am delighted to see so many talented batters, bowlers, backstops and fielders!
Sycamore Class have been working hard on decimals in maths. As a final activity in the unit, we played a game, matching tenths and hundredths written as decimals and fractions as well as a pictorial representation
Aspen class have continued their physical activities this week with Bikeability. The children have worked really hard at their cycling skills and it has been great to see so many of them practising their skills safely on the road.

Year 6
Year 6 have been working hard on their writing this week based on the book ‘Letters from the Lighthouse’. They have also been practising their cricket skills with out Activ me 360 coaches.