Stanmore Primary School has achieved GOOD in every category of its recent OFSTED inspection
Ofsted Report 2024
The quality of education:
Behaviour and attitudes:
Personal development:
Leadership and management:
Early years provision:
“Pupils enjoy attending this happy school. Strong relationships between pupils, families and staff thrive in its positive and safe community. The school’s expectations of pupils are high. The vision, ‘be the best that you can be’ permeates through school life. Pupils and staff aim to be the best versions of themselves all day, every day. Pupils typically achieve well. They are self-motivated and work hard in lessons. Pupils behave well. The ‘keys for success’, a toolkit of skills such as ‘confidence’, ‘organisation’ and ‘resilience’, help pupils to learn successfully. Pupils love taking home ‘merit cards’ to show their families, having used the ‘keys’ in lessons.
Pupils benefit from a wide range of enrichment opportunities. All pupils in Year 3 are learning how to play a brass instrument currently. There is a school orchestra and choir. Pupils love the clubs they can attend such as Spanish, football and the popular chess club.
This is a school at the centre of its community. It works well with other education settings and local services to support pupils to feel safe beyond the school gate. The popular ‘in it
together’ coffee morning helps parents and carers with a wide range of support. Parents speak highly of the school.”