Memories of Stanmore - Natasha Gorman
Pupil | 1982
So many wonderful memories.
The teachers made my school days the best, especially Mr young. Also my school friends whom many I still see.
Memories of Stanmore - Heather Millard (was Kempson)
Pupil | 1975 - 1982
Meeting my best mate Lisa Colgrave. 44 years on we are still best friends and will be forever.
Playing in the junior playground with Angela Brimsden (no longer with us), playing ball with her.
Memories of Stanmore - Charlotte Bailey
I was a teacher in another local school and Stanmore kept History Boxes to borrow. A wonderful resource.
Memories of Stanmore - Lee Lampard
Pupil | 1976 - 1982
Mrs Bates, Mrs Clark - inspirational teachers!
Great life-lasting friendships.
A wonderful school
Memories of Stanmore - Tracey Mariner
Pupil | 1975 - 1983
I remember school trips to York by train and Stubbington Study Centre.
Milk in bottles and crisps sold by Miss Swift.
Sports days on the front grass and standing on the path when we were in trouble.
Memories of Stanmore - Lisa Bennett (nee Colgrave)
Pupil | 1975 - 1982
Meeting my oldest friend Heather Kempson here walking to and from school and still the best offends 44 years later. Also being scared of Miss Swift, you never messed with her.
Memories of Stanmore - Dawn Przybycin
Parent | 1988 - 1999
My two daughters came here - Mrs Horkan taught them. My youngest one sang a solo in a school production Bethlehem Rock - I was so proud.
I also remember my youngest being worried at the thought of going into Mr Young’s class - she soon found out that he was a lovely man and not to be feared.
Memories of Stanmore - Georgette Miller
Staff | 1980s
Supply cover for a year.
Super to work under John Gunner - a very fine head of a very good school.
After a morning with several challenging lads, I asked them to join me in the hall after lunchtime. After requesting several step ups and press ups of them, they asked me if we could form a gym club - great days.
Memories of Stanmore - Brett Green
Pupil | 1982
Stanmore Primary School football team going undefeated.
6 - 0 South Wanston
6 - 0 Sutton Scotney
3 - 1 Harestcok - Claire Gould Captain (Gregory’s Girl)
2 - 1 Weeke
I scored two hayracks and was Captain against Weeke.
Memories of Stanmore - Gillian Harris
Pupil | 1976 - 1983
Just a great place. A sense of real community. A lovely place to grow up.
We used to make things in class to sell at the Christmas and Summer Fair. My whole family came to the school and some returned as lunchtime staff.
Happy, happy days!
Stanmore Headteacher Retires
The retiring Headmaster of Stanmore County Primary School, Mr. Ron Hammond, pictured with the hi-fi centre presented to him on Friday. Also in the picture are Mr. Ralph Dulson (Mid-Hants Area Education Officer), Mrs. Mary Broadway (Chairman of the School Governors) and Mrs. Maureen Hammond (right)
Mr. Ronald Hammond, Headmaster of Stanmore County Primary School, Winchester, retired after 33 years of teaching service. He is a Hampshire man, born and educated in Portsmouth, where his father taught from 1901, retiring as Head of St. Mary’s School, Portsmouth in 1941.
Mr. Hammond trained at King Alfred’s College shortly before the outbreak of war, and during the war he served with The Royal Hampshire Regiment and The Royal Fusiliers in Italy and Jugoslavia.
He has taught in Hampshire since 1947, first at Hardley Secondary School, then Abbotswood Junior School, and at Colbury Primary School as Deputy Head. He was appointed to the Headship of Overton Primary School in 1960 and to that of Stanmore Junior School in 1967. In 1974 Mr. Hammond was appointed Head of Stanmore Primary School which was formed when the Junior and Infant Schools combined. This is at present the largest Primary School in the Mid_Hampshire area.
Mr. Hammond was a former President of the Central Hampshire Branch of the National Association of Head Teachers. He has had a life-long interest in sport, especially cricket and soccer, both as player and a teacher, and has also been a former Chairman of the Winchester and District Primary Schools Association.
Mr. Hammond’s commitment and devotion to Stanmore Primary School has been very great and under his guidance the school has played an important part in the life of the local community.
On Friday evening he was presented with parting gifts at the school.
The Harris family connection
Planting trees to celebrate 50 years of Harris’ at Stanmore School - 1983
Adults (from the right): Mary Beck, Alec Beck, Roger Harris, Anne Grace (neé Harris), Jean Harris (neé Gregory) with the children and teachers at Stanmore School
Thank you for organising the Stanmore School 90th Anniversary celebration and tea party on 19th July. I came along with my Dad (Peter aged 87), my brother (Andrew aged 57), my Aunt (Anne aged 79) and my Uncle (Roger aged 76) and we all thoroughly enjoyed seeing the school, looking at the fascinating displays and catching up with past and present staff and pupils.
I seem to remember you mentioning the possibility of putting together some sort of commemorative booklet and inviting us al to provide photos and anecdotes for it. So here you go…
We are the Harris family. My grandmother, Gertrude (born in 1899) married William Harris. They lived in Stuart Crescent, Stanmore and had 8 children:
(Edith) Mary - Born 1923 - Started at Stanmore School when it was built
Harold - Born 1925 - Started at Stanmore School in 1930/31
Len - Born 1927 - Started at Stanmore School in 1933
Peter - Born 1932 - Started at Stanmore School in 1937
Bryan - Born in 1934 - Started at Stanmore School in 1940
Anne - Born 1940 - Started at Stanmore School in 1945
Roger and Trevor (twins) - Board 1943 - Started at Stanmore School in 1948
Mary married Alec Beck, they moved to Cromwell Road and had two boys:
Alan Beck - Born 1947 - Started at Stanmore School in 1952
Malcolm Beck - Born 1950 - Started at Stanmore School in 1955
Peter married Jean Gregory, who also grew up in Stuart Crescent and they had 3 children:
Jean Harris nee Gregory - Born 1931 - Started at Stanmore School in 1937
Stephen Gregory (Jean’s brother) - Born 1948 - Started at Stanmore School in 1953
Peter and Jean’s children:
Sally - Born 1961 - Started at Stanmore School in 1966
Andrew - Born 1962 - Started at Stanmore School in 1967
Gillian (me) - Born 1971 - Started at Stanmore School 1976
I left Stanmore School in 1983 and during a family gather in the summer of that year we got chatting about Stanmore generally and about the school. We worked out that there had been a member of our family at the school for at least 50 years, from Mary starting when it was built, through until I left in 1987. Although there are a few gaps where nobody in the family was a pupil, Gertrude and Mary were lunchtime staff for a number of years once their youngest children had started school. My mum Jean also did two stints as a dinner lady, one once Andrew had started school and she ent back again once I’d started school.
I’m sure our family is not unique. I went to Stanmore School with a few children who were from similar large, Stanmore families. For whatever reason, we decided to mark our association with the school by planting some trees at the school in the autumn of 1983. At the tim, they were where the playground met the field not he junior side of the school. When we visited the school for the anniversary we found what we think are those same trees. I have enclosed copies of the photos taken in 1983 (50 years of Harris’ at the school) and on 19th July this year [2019] at the 90th Anniversary.
Gill Gilbert (nee Harris)
Revisiting the tree on 90th Anniversary of the school
From left to right: Roger (76), Anne (79), Gill (47), Peter (87)
Revisiting the tree on 90th Anniversary of the school
From left to right: Andrew (57), Roger (76), Anne (79), Peter (87)
Plans for indoor toilets for the school
The governors worked for many years to build toilets inside the school and demolish the old outdoor toilets. These plans also show the intent to demolish the temporary classrooms and build new classrooms across the quad area.
Memories of Stanmore - Helen Dade
I attended Stanmore School between 1984 and 1991 following on from my older brother and sister. Those were some of the best years of my childhood and I have some fond memories. I now live in Wales but would have happily sent my daughter to the school had I have stayed in Winchester. She went to my partner's old school which was over 100 years old and was unfortunately closed due to the council preferring newer schools. I am so pleased that Stanmore hasn't seen the same fate.
My Nan lived opposite Stanmore school in Drummond close and of course Mrs Cole saw me across the road safely each day. The teachers I remember are Mrs Lewis, Mrs Clarke, Mrs Baxter, Mrs Fox, Miss Charnley, Mr Smith, Miss Hurley and Miss Swift. I remember Mr Gunner reading us stories in assembly from his big book and I used to love playing in the maze in the infant playground. It is fabulous to see memories from the past on your history pages and I was so excited to see Mrs Clarke's old photos where I recognised alot of familiar faces!
Miss Jean Clark photo archive
Miss Clark taught at the school for 26 years and retired in 1988.
She has kindly donated these photos to the school to add to our archives.
Were you taught by Jean? Do you recognise yourself or anyone else in the photos?