Miss Jean Clark photo archive
Miss Clark taught at the school for 26 years and retired in 1988.
She has kindly donated these photos to the school to add to our archives.
Were you taught by Jean? Do you recognise yourself or anyone else in the photos?
Events - 60th Jubilee Celebrations
On 14 July 1989, the school celebrated the 60th Jubilee. The school planted a tree in Cromwell Road near one planted by the Prince of Wales back in 1923. Pupils dressed up in clothes from different decades and had a day of celebrations.

Stanmore Jubilee Day, 14 July 1989
Cromwell Crescent - Tree planting

Stanmore Jubilee Day, 14 July 1989
Mrs McInnis and her 1940’s class

Stanmore Jubilee Day, 14 July 1989
Meeting the Mayor of Winchester at the tree planting ceremony

Stanmore Jubilee Day, 14 July 1989
Year 6 1920’s Speakeasy Sketch

Stanmore Jubilee Day, 14 July 1989
Country Dancing on the school field

Stanmore Jubilee Day, 14 July 1989
Mrs Mary Broadway, Chair of Governors with the Mayor of Winchester planting a memorial tree
The Jubilee tree - 30 years later
May 2019