Memories of Stanmore - Eileen Rainey (nee March)
Pupil | 1967 - 1973
Seeing the wonderful performances by the children reminded me of taking part in concerts as part of the choir, led by Mr Waldin.
Also taking part in the nativity play. My friend Janet had long blonde hair, so was an angel, but I was only a shepherd and wore a tea towel on my head!!
Memories of Stanmore - Debbie Wills
Pupil | 1970s
Being in the choir and doing Joseph and his Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat with other schools in the Guildhall. Each school sang songs individually, then all the schools sang the Joseph songs.
Miss Middleton was our music teacher and I did see her a couple of years ago.
Memories of Stanmore - Clare Sprenger (nee Heath)
Pupil | 1968 - 1974
I remember the pictures on the walls of the hall so well - it was lovely to see them again after 45 years.
Memories of Stanmore - Barbara Colson (nee Fletcher)
Pupil | 1969 - 1974
I remember the photos of the playground being taken - especially the one of the rubbish bin pelican - we were told to put our hands in! I can see myself in the photo - very blonde, stripped dress and cards! Playing on the tractor and real car. Imagine that now!
Memories of Stanmore - Nadine Sambrook
Pupil | 1973 - 1979
I remember all our lovely teachers. The concrete play equipment in the infant playground. Sports day relay - Tigers vs Cheetahs.
Playing recorders for assembly - the red hymn books. Choir with Mrs Baxter. Miss Lloyd introducing me to Roald Dahl.
Memories of Stanmore - Lindsey Wright (nee Kay)
Pupil | 1973 - 1979
School assemblies where we sang Happy Birthday to pupil in front of a cardboard cake! My birthday is during the summer holidays, so I was always quite envious!
Country dancing with Nadine! Gymnastic pyramids! Mr ron Hammond as Headteacher. The wonderful Jubilee celebrations for the Queen in 1977. Learning the recorder.
Wonderful teachers: Miss Percival, Miss Brown, Miss Jackson, Mrs Baxter, Miss Looyd who became Mrs Lancaster after marrying the well known gardner Roy Lancaster. Mr Chipperfield and Mr Baxter.
Being in Wykeham House. Housepoints!
Memories of Stanmore - Heather Millard (was Kempson)
Pupil | 1975 - 1982
Meeting my best mate Lisa Colgrave. 44 years on we are still best friends and will be forever.
Playing in the junior playground with Angela Brimsden (no longer with us), playing ball with her.
Memories of Stanmore - Julian Sambrook
Pupil | 1969 - 1975
Free milk - Music and movement (in vest and pants!) - School Choir - rusty tractor - Sports Day on the front field - football on the back field - Fishbourne Roman Palace - Weald and Downland Museum - the route march to the dining hall - those toilets! - Mr Miler - food parcel deliveries at Harvest Festival - Miss Brown - swimming lessons at Winchester College - Tigers v Cheetahs - too many memories! None of them unhappy…
Memories of Stanmore - Mandy Dodd (nee Holder)
Pupil | 1968 - 1974
My memories are having outside toilets, going over to the dining room and having our lunches. When it was cold and the pipes had frozen we had a day off.
Feeding the cows in the fields around the school. Stanmore was a very lovely school to be at. Teachers I remember - Mr Hammond, Headteacher; Miss Clarke; Mrs Percival; Miss Brown and Mrs Swift who wore sandals with socks - she was scary.
Memories of Stanmore - Pauline Vigus
Pupil | 1965 - 1972
I remember the metal climbing frame, the concrete maze which I fell off and grazed the back of my legs and was taken to sick bay.
Mr Hammond, Headteacher; Miss Swift; Mrs Brown; Miss Percival; Miss Cooper.
Played netball and kiss chase with the boys!
Memories of Stanmore - Lee Lampard
Pupil | 1976 - 1982
Mrs Bates, Mrs Clark - inspirational teachers!
Great life-lasting friendships.
A wonderful school
Memories of Stanmore - Tracey Mariner
Pupil | 1975 - 1983
I remember school trips to York by train and Stubbington Study Centre.
Milk in bottles and crisps sold by Miss Swift.
Sports days on the front grass and standing on the path when we were in trouble.
Memories of Stanmore - Pamela Carr (nee Dyke)
Pupil | 1972 - 1978
I loved being at Stanmore School. The teachers and other pupils were all very special.
Miss Swift was very scary! Miss Brown used to teach us French. Miss Lloyd married the gardening TV presenter Roy Lancaster.
In the summer we used to be allowed in the padding pools. Top infants always went to visit The Victory for their outing.
Memories of Stanmore - Lisa Bennett (nee Colgrave)
Pupil | 1975 - 1982
Meeting my oldest friend Heather Kempson here walking to and from school and still the best offends 44 years later. Also being scared of Miss Swift, you never messed with her.
Memories of Stanmore - Gillian Harris
Pupil | 1976 - 1983
Just a great place. A sense of real community. A lovely place to grow up.
We used to make things in class to sell at the Christmas and Summer Fair. My whole family came to the school and some returned as lunchtime staff.
Happy, happy days!
Netball in the 1970s
Stanmore Netball Team 1973 - won Goals Cup
Back row (left to right): Janet Woolf, Nicola Morgan, Kay Hobbs, Katheryn March, Maureen Thompson, Christine Lewendon
Front row: Marie Riopel, Susan Busby, Helen Vigus
Stanmore won the Large Schools Section at the Netball Rally in 1974
Back row (left to right): Teresa Brown, Lindy Stening, Susan Harfield, Susan Cameron
Front row: Esther Gibson, Susan Christie, Susan Byrne, Linda Hibberd
Stanmore Netball Team 1977 - won Large Schools Section
Back row (left to right): Amanda Reed, Carol Patience, Janet Downham, Kerrie Orchard, Gillian Digweed
Front row: Sheila Ware, Karen Coates, Kim Payne, Vanessa Trott
Royal connections - The Queen
The children of Stanmore have had a couple of occasions to see The Queen whilst in Winchester.
Coronation Pageant Souvenir Programme
June 153
A photo of the Coronation Pageant June 1953 stuck at the back of the programme
The Queen visiting Winchester on 26 July 1955
Pupils from the school also went to see The Queen on 13th April 1979, after presenting Maundy Money in Winchester Cathedral in accordance with the ancient ceremony.
Miss Jean Clark photo archive
Miss Clark taught at the school for 26 years and retired in 1988.
She has kindly donated these photos to the school to add to our archives.
Were you taught by Jean? Do you recognise yourself or anyone else in the photos?