Chicks, Computers and Football
Maple Class have loved having the chicks to look at and hold this week. As you can see, they have really grown and are very busy cheeping and eating all day long! We have been using the Living Eggs to remind us that Christians believe that eggs are a sign of new life, and how that relates to the Easter story. This week, children made Easter cards using eggs to symbolise the new life.
Remarkable Roses
This week Rowan class have been creating some beautiful paper plate roses in their Flower Head art unit. They created patterns on the plates and then carefully cut and rolled their plated into a rose design. Well done Rowan class.
This week Sycamore Class have been enjoying programming in Computing. We used ‘Turtle Academy’ to write instructions to create a shape. Once we mastered this, we started to make more challenging instructions to make more complex shapes or designs.
The children thoroughly enjoyed World Book Day, Aspen class were ready to explore the day and took part in the Footy and Booky Wooky Quiz, BBC live lesson and designed brochures for a holiday to the Arctic! We even had Paddington Bear join us for the day!
Football Team update
This week 8 boys in Elm class took part in a tournament at Nightingale School. The team played fantastically throughout the group stage and made it to the final through penalties. Unfortunately we were just pipped at the post in the final through penalties again! As always the children showed brilliant sportmanship and team work. Thank you to the parents who were able to help with transportation and cheering us on. Lets hope the girl’s continue our good form in a few weeks time.