Loving to learn new things

Jag Tag

8 children in year 6 took part in the very first Jag Tag tournament, help by Activ 360 and Winchester University. The team were fantastic and showed all the school spirit that we value. We won some, drew some and lost a couple but above all we tried our hardest and had fun! Well done everyone.

My Happy Brain

The children and staff would like to say thank you to FOSPS for purchasing one Team HAP per class to support our weekly Happy mind sessions.

In our first unit 'Meet your brain' the children have learned that the brain works best when Team HAP - the Hippocampus, Amygdala and Prefrontal Cortex - work together. We have learned how 'Happy breathing' sends oxygen to the brain when we may be feeling upset or worried. This helps us to make decisions and ask for help. You can find out more about Happy Breathing by downloading the logging into the free My Happy mind app.

Forest School

This week in forest school some children used the saw to cut pieces of wood which we then used to make butterflies, other played nature bingo or made an Oreo mud cake. 


Sometimes, it can feel difficult to ask for help because we may feel that we might look silly, others might laugh at us, or we fear being told off.

This week, the children in R2L have been learning that it is ok to ask for help and that everyone needs help sometimes. Sometimes it might be for a little thing, like asking someone to hold a door open, or it might be something bigger like helping us with a tricky task or even helping us to manage uncomfortable thoughts.

We have spent the week trying new things - some things we could do easily and yet other things were more tricky. We learnt how to make a paper aeroplane, how to make an origami snake, and some of us even used a saw to cut wood in Forest School.

The most important lesson that we learnt this week is that using our words, rather than our actions, are the best way to ask for help.


Children in Maple Class have been proudly wearing their brain hats made as part of their 'My Happy Mind' learning. We think they look great! Children in Year R have been learning numbers 6, 7 and 8. They made a teddy bear's picnic with 6, 7 or 8 guests, plates and food items. Delicious!

We are also drawing to the end of our programming unit in IT. The children have been learning how to plan, programme and debug routes using their BeeBots - they are doing brilliantly!


Times Table Rowan Stars!

This week the Rowan class have been enjoying playing on Times Tables Rockstars (TTRS) for the first time. Now they have completed their multiplication and division unit in maths they are ready to rock out and earn some coins. TTRS is a great maths game for the class to play and practice their 2-, 5- and 10-times table facts. The more they can practice at home the better they will get at remembering these facts. Miss Evers is also starting a TTRS house competition, so the more points they score the more they contribute to the competition. If you need any help logging into TTRS please don't hesitate to ask. 


This week Birch conducted research into different types of soil - the children really enjoyed getting their hands muddy to test whether the soil was silty, sandy or clay. The children also put their basketball skills into practice by playing a game of basketball. They tried really hard to dribble the ball across the court and some even managed to score a goal in the hoops!


This week, Sycamore class have been working really hard to improve their handwriting. We have been learning all about Mount Everest which has resulted in a number of really high quality survival guides. For those of you looking for a new challenge, why not read some of these and see if the challenge appeals to you! 


This week Elm class finished their Inuit art topic by creating prints in the style of Kenojuak Ashevak. They built on their learning from year 3 and 4 and developed the idea of creating two tone prints. They were really effective as you can see.


Spring has Sprung


Being creative and curious.