Passionate about learning


Children in Year R are welcomed into class each morning to a variety of fun activities. They settle quickly and use their fine motor skills to explore the tasks at the tables. They have also been learning about winter and this week, about hibernation. The children made clay hedgehogs in Forest School and then in the classroom, created shelters for them to hibernate in. 

Children in Year 1 have continued with their art topic of Rain and Sunrays. This week, they have been exploring texture in art which they will be using next week to create printing blocks. 


This week Rowan class have continued with their wonderful flower art. They had their first experience of printing using rollers. They created their design inspired by flowers that they have been studying and pressed it into their polystyrene tile. They rolled the paint onto the tile and then pressed it onto paper to create their design. They were so pleased with their outcomes. Well done Rowan class. 


Birch class are really enjoying their new dance unit inspired by Matilda. The children have been thinking carefully about how each character might move and how this can be portrayed through different dance moves.


This week sycamore class have been learning lots of new words for our new topic ‘Misty Mountain, Winding River’. The know what a meander is, and they know what happens at the upper, middle and lower course of a river. 


This week in Aspen class the children thoroughly enjoyed the start of their Forest School sessions. The children took part in blindfolded team building activities which included children being guided to trees, returned to their starting point and then guessing which tree they had felt. The mud kitchen was a huge success with gingerbread men brownies being served as well as 'wild stew' also available, some budding chefs in the making and everyone getting 'stuck' in!


This week year 6 have been exploring the relationships between fractions, decimals and percentages and how they are all related to a whole. They started by looking at each aspect individually and then how they relate to each other and how you can compare them. 

Year 6 also wrote very persuasive letters to Hampshire County council to try and stop the closure of Stubbington Study Centre. They were full of passion and showed excellent writing skills. Lets hope they listen.


Happy Lunar New Year


New Year, New Experiences