Welcome back

Maple Class

A very warm welcome to all of our new children in Maple Class. They have settled in brilliantly and have loved exploring all of the exciting activities in Maple Class this week. Amongst other learning,  the children have been matching objects and patterns in the maths area, learning to mix colours, retelling the story of the Three Little Pigs,  recognising the pictures and rhymes for the RWI Set 1 sounds and much more! They have been enjoying the delicious school lunches and playing outside on the Pico Eagle and Trim Trail. A huge 'well done' for being amazing on your very first full week of school!

Birch Class

Beyond the Beat has started again! We are really proud of our Year 3 musicians who have such a brilliant opportunity to learn a musical instrument. Other children who have chosen to continue with BTB will resume their lessons too. 


Sycamore have been working hard to represent and partition numbers to 10,000! As you can see from their smiling faces they have really been enjoying it! 

Elm Class

Elm class  completed a task 'What’s in the bag?' in RE.

They were all given a paper bag. Some had a digestive biscuit in and some were empty. They had to decide if this was JUST or UNJUST and give reasons for their decisions. Those children then had the choice of a chocolate digestive or plain and the children had to re-evaluate their decisions with justifications. The children have also started their art this week by exploring the use of tints, tones and shades. They used either white, black or grey to create different colours and explored how much of each colour was needed to change the original shade completely. 


Learning through History and Music


Safeguarding Notice