Stanmore Post - 11 December 2020
Dear Parents and Carers,
The children looked very festive in their Christmas Jumpers today. A really lovely start to our end of term Christmas Activities. Our reverse advent calendar has been really well supported. Thank you for donating so generously for the Winchester Basic Bank.
Next week, we are looking forward to hosting class ‘bubble’ Christmas Dinners in the hall. If your child has not decided on their choice of Christmas Dinner please let the office know by Monday.
The children will take part in a virtual Christingle Service led by Christ Church on Thursday morning. Each child will have their own Christingle. As we will be lighting the candles, children with long hair must have it tied back. Parents have the right to withdraw children from the Christingle Service, please request this in writing to Mrs Taylor. I look forward to sharing the photos of the service with you next week.
We are planning to share our ‘Festival of Light’ with you on Thursday after school. Christmas Trees were kindly donated to each class and parents are invited to view the class decorations on Thursday when we switch on the lights and share the trees outside of the classrooms. Trees can be viewed as you walk around the one way system.
On Friday children will enjoy a class Christmas film. They can bring in an individual (nut free) snack if you would like to send one in to school with them on Friday morning. Parents of Children in Catkins can still look forward to a Christmas Nativity. Children and staff have been working hard to film the scenes for this virtual experience. More information about how this will be shared in a letter on Monday. A preview photo can be viewed below.
Year R rehearsing the Nativity 2020 - Stanmore Primary School
Today we held our first Stanmore Christmas Market. I am hoping that this can become an annual event as the children who attended really enjoyed choosing presents for their families. I would like to thank all of the Friends of Stanmore who have worked so hard to make this a memorable moment in the run up to Christmas.
We know that it has been more challenging this year to involve you in your child’s learning actively on the school site. The virtual parents evening; the school improvement, phonics and well-being virtual meetings; the photos on our website and the curriculum overviews that came home earlier in the term should have given you a flavour of your child’s recent learning experiences at school. I am proud of the high quality outcomes from the different subject areas that children are producing as they come towards the end of this term’s topic. They have worked hard to recover from any gaps created as a result of the school closure last term. You can see some of the art work from this week here:
Finally, we would like to welcome to Mr Firth who has joined the Stanmore Primary School team as a teaching assistant in Year 3 and 4. We hope that you will be very happy in our school.
Yours sincerely,
Sharon Taylor
PS – don’t forget to check where the elf has been this week