Year 1 - Chick-loads of fun!
Creating feathered friends
The penultimate week of the term draws to a close, and the children have had a feathery ending! Juniper and Maple had a wonderful time this afternoon creating their feathered friends, which they will be bringing proudly home in time for Easter!
As well as our DT activities, the children were extremely excited to wear their pyjamas and onesies to school today; happily, no-one fell asleep in class…
Investigating 3d shapes
In maths this week, we have enjoyed learning about 3D shapes. We have worked on identifying and naming 3D shapes, exploring their properties and working out how we could sort them, justifying our reasoning. Next week, we will be moving onto measure, using non-standard units to measure height and length, as well as exploring seconds, minutes and hours. We will end our unit of measure by learning about turns and using our knowledge to explore the school grounds!
We have now planned and written our animal poems, which we will be publishing on Monday. We look forward to performing them to Year R later in the week! The children have worked extremely hard on including plural nouns and prepositions in their work – we await the final results!
In RE, we have started to think about the Easter message, and exploring sad and happy feelings. We have shared a lovely book, ‘Badger’s Parting Gifts’, by Susan Varley, which stimulated conversations about when we have been sad and then happy. Next week, we look forward to hearing the Easter story and learning about it in more detail.
The children have been busy practicing for their recorder concert on Tuesday 2ndApril in the school hall. Year 1 will be performing from 2.20pm – 2.40pm approx.., and Year 2 from 2.40pm – 3.00pm approx.. The gate by the school office will be open from 2.15pm. We look forward to welcoming you.
As always, we enjoy our phonics and reading daily.
Recorder concert: Tuesday 2nd April in the school hall. Year 1 will be performing from 2.20pm – 2.40pm approx.., and Year 2 from 2.40pm – 3.00pm approx.. The gate by the school office will be open from 2.15pm.
Home learning: Due on Monday 1st April please. Thank you to those who have already returned theirs.
When I grow up topic: For this topic, each child will need a clean, dry 2l plastic soft drinks bottle with the top on and label removed (labelled with your child’s name). To be bought into school after Easter please. Thank you!
PE kits: These will be sent home this week for the holiday. Please could you check that your child’s plimsolls/trainers still fit, as several children say that theirs are too small. Many thanks.